Tag Archives: Shaun The Sheep

A-Z April Challenge – W Is For Wallace & Gromit Trail In Bristol, UK

Gromit by the Clifton Suspension Bridge, Bristol

Shaun The Sheep In Bristol

Following on from my pursuit of the London flock, I visited Bristol last weekend and spotted a few of the 70 that are currently resident there……

Shaun Sheep Bristol Fashion

Today marks the launch of Shaun in the City in the wonderful setting of Bristol in a fundraising effort to raise money for children’s hospitals. There will be 70 Shauns scattered about the city from today until the end of August. This follows the highly popular Shaun trail in London during April & May – […]

Shaun The Sheep – The Whole London Flock

After a fair few miles and in a great challenge to my awful map reading skills, not to mention a few blisters, I am now able to bring you all 50 London Shauns in a single post. Here’s looking forward to Bristol!      

Shaun The Sheep V – London Calling

Fans of the band The Jam will be familiar with a song about life in London called ‘Strange Town’. One of the lyrics to the brilliant song goes,’ I got blisters on my feet, trying find a friend in Oxford Street’. Well, I got blisters on my feet, trying to find a statue of a […]

Shaun the Sheep IV

I battled the half-term week kids for some more pictures of Shaun in the last few days of their London residency. This sheep hunt took me from Carnaby Street, down Regent Street, across Piccadilly Circus, through Covent Garden, over the Strand to Somerset House and finally along Waterloo Bridge to the South Bank and London […]

Shaun The Sheep III

I combined a theatre trip yesterday with spotting four more Shauns………..    

Shaun The Sheep II

London will be shorn of Shauns at the end of the month, so I have been out and about again to round a few more up before they flock off.

Shaun The Sheep

A stray Shaun in Canary Wharf

Shaun The Sheep Flocks To London

Around the City of London today………