Tag Archives: Moldova

Tuesday Train – Moldovan Locomotive in Chisinău

In 2011 we arrived into Chisinău on an overnight train from Bucharest. The loco that pulled us was an absolute beast as you can see below.

Odessa Port View From Potemkin Steps

Ukraine Trip 2011 – Part One, Odessa

In 2011 I visited Ukraine, first arriving by train in Odessa from Moldova. I wrote about the trip a few years ago and with the awful events taking place at the moment, I thought I’d share my travels during far happier times, whilst I pray for a return to peace. Train Journey: Chișinău to Odessa, […]

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Euro 2020 Rest Day 1 – Non-Qualifying Nations – Moldova, Greece & Norway

With the group stage now over there are a couple of rest days before the 8 last 16 ties. As there are no games, I thought I’d feature some of the European nations that did not qualify for the finals. Moldova Moldova is said to be the poorest nation in Europe. This is personified in […]

European Train Tour #4 – Eastern Europe

Train Tours Around Eastern Europe This is more an account of several train tours undertaken between 2006 and 2014, some of which are featured in my book about train tours in the Balkans. 2006, Istanbul – Thessaloniki – Meteora – Skopje – Lake Ohrid – Nis – Sofia We were due to take a October […]

My Favourite Travel Photos – 11 to 15

What’s the point in taking photographs? This is the second in my series of favourite travel photos based on the memories they evoke and one or two that I consider passably decent. I am presenting them in clusters of five and today show my third favourite quartile. River Vltava, Charles Bridge & Prague Castle – […]

Sunday Photo – Moldovan Countryside Scene

Yesterday I gave an on-line talk for The Globetrotters Club on the theme of Eastern Europe. One of the countries that I talked about was Moldova, amongst Europe’s poorest nations. They still practice traditional farming methods with horses often used instead of tractors. I call the photo below ‘Giant Haystacks’.

Orthodox Easter Sunday

Today is Easter Sunday in the Orthodox calendar. A day of celebration for Greeks, Russians, Bulgarians, Romanians, Serbs, Georgians, Armenians, Latvians, Estonians, Ukrainians, Belorussians and a host of others. Here are a few Orthodox cathedrals & churches that I have visited over the years. Χριστός ἀνέστη!    

Trains in the East of Europe

You will maybe know of my love of overseas train travel, especially in the east of Europe and you can of course read about my adventures on over 15,000km of track in the region by downloading my ebook on Amazon. Here are a few train pictures from my travels in the region….

European Train Tour #4 – Eastern Europe

Train Tour Around Eastern Europe This is more an account of several train tours undertaken between 2006 and 2014, which form the basis of my second published work ‘On The Beaten Track’, available as an e-book download or a printed tome from Amazon. In all the book gives an account of over 15,000 track kilometres […]

On The Beaten Track – Travels In Eastern Europe Free Sampler Download Link

Now available to download from Lulu Publishing (see Lulu button on the right hand side of this blog) or Amazon as a colour e-book or black & white paperback. Over 500 pages for just over £3 (ebook download) Read the Opening chapters for free by downloading ‘Now Boarding, The Eastern European Express’, from Smashwords. See My Book Extracts […]