Category Birdlife

Condors, Colca Canyon, Peru

Flight of the Condors – Peru

As a rule I am unlucky with my wildlife spotting in the ‘wild’. A tigerless tiger safari in India, a whale free visit to Hermanus in South Africa, zero dolphins on a boat trip in Mauritius specifically arranged to see the grey beauties, not a cetacean to be seen on a whaling expedition in Iceland […]

Tallinn, Estonia

My Iconic Travel Moments – 2011 to 2019 (#3) Iguaçu/Iguazú Falls in Brazil/Argentina

Number 3 – Iguaçu/Iguazú Falls, Brazil & Argentina Iguazu Falls straddle a border between South America’s two largest nations and consists of the widest set of falls in the world. Having flown in from Buenos Aires to Puerto Iguazú, we stayed on the Argentinian side of the great divide, but were first to visit the […]

War Graves from The Battle of the Marne, Champagne, France

My Iconic Travel Moments – 2011 to 2019 (#3) Iguaçu/Iguazú Falls in Brazil/Argentina

Number 3 – Iguaçu/Iguazú Falls, Brazil & Argentina Iguazu Falls straddle a border between South America’s two largest nations and consists of the widest set of falls in the world. Having flown in from Buenos Aires to Puerto Iguazú, we stayed on the Argentinian side of the great divide, but were first to visit the […]

Gardens in Epernay, France

My Iconic Travel Moments – 2011 to 2019 (#3) Iguaçu/Iguazú Falls in Brazil/Argentina

Number 3 – Iguaçu/Iguazú Falls, Brazil & Argentina Iguazu Falls straddle a border between South America’s two largest nations and consists of the widest set of falls in the world. Having flown in from Buenos Aires to Puerto Iguazú, we stayed on the Argentinian side of the great divide, but were first to visit the […]

Gardens in Epernay, France

My Iconic Travel Moments Part 3 – 2011 to 2019 (#3) Brazil/Argentina

Number 3 – Iguaçu/Iguazú Falls, Brazil & Argentina Iguazu Falls straddle a border between South America’s two largest nations and consist of the widest set of falls in the world. Having flown in from Buenos Aires to Puerto Iguazú, we stayed on the Argentinian side of the great divide, but were first to visit the […]

Thursday Bird #21 – Hummingbird, Puerto Iguazu, Argentina

No bigger than a large butterfly, the hummingbird moves so fast that it is really difficult to capture. This specimen that I photographed in 2018 was the best shot I got in around fifty attempts!

Thursday Bird #20 – Jackass Penguins, South Africa

We visited South Africa in 2003, starting with a Kruger Safari and finishing with Cape Town. In our hire car we explored the Western Cape and were tipped off about this colony of penguins when we visited a fish restaurant in Betty’s Bay. Unlike the better known colony at Boulders Beach near Cape Town, there […]

Thursday Bird #18 – Flamingoes, Valencia, Spain

Everybody loves a flamingo! There seems to have been a demand in recent years to have a replica pink bird as part of the interior design of shops, restaurants & hotels. The birds shown below were resident at the Oceanarium in the futuristic Science Park in Valencia.

Thursday Bird #17 – Peacock, Bath, UK

This handsome chap was strutting his stuff at Dyrham Park, a National Trust property near Bath in around 2007.

Thursday Bird #16 – Great Egret, Cuba

I snapped this bird whilst visiting a cocoa plantation near Baracoa in Cuba.