Monday Morning Blues – Old Havana, Cuba

This week’s ‘blue’ photo comes from my January 2017 visit to Cuba. It was a wonderful trip taking in many cities, but Havana was undoubtedly my favourite.

Old Havana is a poor district full of colourful characters going about their daily business and was a fabulous maze of streets that were perfect for just meandering with no particular destination in mind.

Old Havana, Cuba

Join me and my Twitter friends by posting a picture featuring the colour blue every Monday morning. Together we can help brighten that Monday morning feeling.



  1. I used to think that I would like to visit Havana but slowly I have gone off the idea. I must be getting old!


    1. You would love it Andrew. A Spanish city in all but name. Admittedly without any Roman or Moorish jewels but so much more to enjoy. The flight is a bit of a haul though for sure.


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