Bring on the Golden Horses – The Akhal-Teke Horses of Turkmenistan

There cannot be many countries that revere a breed of horse like the Turkmen. The image of the Akhal-Teke is the national emblem and features on the likes of postage stamps & banknotes, whilst many cities have a statue of the breed in prominent positions in their centres.

The beautiful thoroughbred horse can be several different colours, but the common factor is that they all have a metallic sheen, most notably gold.

They are thought to be one of the oldest horse breeds and have been the companions of the nomadic Seljuk Turks & Turkmen for many centuries.

Today the horses are mainly used for recreational purposes, whilst horse-racing is incredibly popular in the big cities with regular race meetings.

Whilst staying in Ashgabat we traveled out to the Akhal region to a breeding stables and whilst we sipped black tea, several of the fine beasts were brought out to see us. For a short video click HORSE.

The Akhal-Teke Horses of Turkmenistan

The Akhal-Teke Horses of TurkmenistanThe Akhal-Teke Horses of TurkmenistanThe Akhal-Teke Horses of Turkmenistan

The Akhal-Teke Horses of Turkmenistan

The Akhal-Teke Horses of Turkmenistan

The Akhal-Teke Horses of Turkmenistan

The Akhal-Teke Horses of Turkmenistan

Coming next – the Gate to Hell

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