A-Z April Challenge – Yad Vashem

There is something haunting about visiting somewhere connected to the Holocaust. I am yet to visit an ex concentration camp and the closest that I have come are museums in Warsaw and Terezin in Czechia and the disturbing Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, as well as the subject of my post.

Yad Vashem based in a Jerusalem suburb, tells the story of the Jewish suffering during WWII and in particular how life was in the Jewish Ghetto in Lodz, Poland.

The mood was sombre as we viewed the exhibits, the eternal flame, the remembrance wall, the photographs of the fallen, the sullen statues, the peaceful memorial garden and the harrowing site of an actual cattle truck that used to be crammed with unfortunate souls destined for the concentration camps.


  1. Looks like im adding this on my list of places to go! Seems like its worth a visit!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Such a sad, sad, heart-breaking time in our history. And while it’s hard to bear, I’m glad these reminders and memorials exist for us to bear witness.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am finding your blog while still trying to visit participants on the #Challenge list. I too have visited Vad Yashem and remember it as the somber and heartbreaking remembrance. I will spend time trying to catch up with these beautifully presented posts. Uncluttered, great clarity of information. Congrats. If you have time or interest, I have been writing about BOOKSHOPS, their architecture, location and great people who sell books…though X Y Z called for some creative thinking. You must think of yourself as a blessed person who has been enriched by all this travel. As a writer, I know how much it means to turn these experiences into words that share with others your adventures.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Stepheny. I will check your blog out. Wilbur


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